Forty-two Scottish and forty Chinese junior high school pupils drawn from the subjects of a previous study are tested again two years later. The instrument used is a selected set of TAT cards (6BM, 14, 8BM, & 12BG). In addition, TAT protocols for 6BM and 12BG from 50 university students are collected from both Glasgow, Scotland, and Taipei for comparison. Theme analysis of the materials thus obtained confirms some of the findings of the previous investigatson: (a) In comparing with with youths is Scotland, Chinese adolescents have a stronger posttive feeling toward and more dependent upon their parents who in turn, exercise greater influence upon their children than Scottish parents; (b) Chineseadolescents are more passive and self-restraint than Scottish subjects. The result, however, does not provide a consistent support to the hypothesis that Chinese people tend to have a global and general perception toward the outside world. Nearly half of those subjects retested produce similar themes for the same card in two sessions which are two years apart.