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394 publication date:Jun, 2008
The Effects of Strategy Instruction and Scaffolding Mediation in Dynamic Assessment for Facilitating First Graders’ Learning Potential on Mathematical Problem Solving
    Author:許家驊 Chia-Hua Hsu
Research Article

      This study examined the effects of strategy instruction and scaffolding mediation in dynamic assessment through a two-way ANOVA (2×3) factorial experimental design. In addition, a contingent control group was used to clarify the effects of each group more precisely. Overall, the results indicate significant main effects of the factorial design without interaction effects, and such  findings were the same in all analyzed scores except for the transfer performances of strategy instruction. Furthermore, the effects of integrated-form were better than the effects of cognitive-form in strategy instruction. The effects of continuum of assessment model were better than the others, but there were no differences between graduated prompting hierarchy and process-oriented instruction. The performances of all treatment groups were better than the contingent control group. Finally, there were large effect sizes and strength of association in almost all analyses.



關鍵詞: dynamic assessment (DA), learning potential facilitation, strategy instruction of mathematical problem solving (MPS), mediation of scaffolding instruction, zone of proximal development (ZPD)

Effect of the CISC Instructional Strategy on the Particle Concepts Learning Achievement of Junior High Students

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