National Taiwan Normal University
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39S publication date:Feb, 2008
Construction of Adolescent Multi-Domain Self-Efficacy Scale in Taiwan
    Author:蔡順良 Shung-Liang Tsai
Research Article

 The purpose of this study was to develop an instrument for measuring adolescents’ multi-domain self-efficacy. An attempt was made to establish the norm of the Adolescent Multi-Domain Self-Efficacy Scale which can be used as a reference index for identifying potentially maladaptive adolescents in Taiwan. According to Bandura’s approach to self- efficacy measurement, a reasonable self-efficacy measurement should be about a specific activity field. A 60-item draft scale was developed for the preliminary study of validity and reliability. A 4-point Likert-type scale was adopted to measure participants’ self-efficacy. A sample of 326 junior and senior high school students was used for the preliminary study. Through exploratory factor analysis and item analysis, four factors were derived from the final 36-item measure of self-efficacy (academic efficacy, career development efficacy, interpersonal efficacy, and physical efficacy). Confirmatory factor analysis was adopted to examine the construct validity and reliability of the final 36-item scale. Results indicated that the scale’s construct validity and reliability are acceptable. For the purpose of establishing the norm of adolescents’ multi-domain self-efficacy scale in Taiwan, a stratified sampling method was adopted. Two factors were taken into account: region (Northern, Central, Southern, and Eastern districts of Taiwan) and school type (junior high school, senior high general school and senior high vocational school). The norm was established using a sample of 1849 students. Statistical properties of the scale are presented.



關鍵詞: academic efficacy, career development efficacy, interpersonal efficacy, physical efficacy, confirmatory factory analysis

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