Survey Mode Effect Analyzed by Item Response Theory on the Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression (CES-D) Scale Author:李仁豪 Ren-Hau Li, 謝進昌 Jin-Chang Hsieh, 余民寧 Min-Ning Yu
Research Article
This study investigated whether differences exist between Internet and paper questionnaires in survey mode, where the internationally- and widely-used “Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression” (CES-D) scale was adopted as content of the questionnaire. Of 2400 primary and secondary school teachers stratified and sampled randomly from Taiwan, 1141 teachers responded to the 20_item CES-D Scale, including 535 teachers in the Internet group, and 606 teachers in the paper group. This research used multidimensional latent regression module developed by ConQuest software. Using one-parameter item response theory, we compared the differences between the Internet and paper questionnaire groups. The results of this study showed no significant difference between the two groups in background variables; nonetheless, response rate in the Internet group was lower than that in the paper group. As for comparisons between content of questionnaires, although the latent means of the Internet group were significantly lower than those of the paper group, these differences had no substantial meanings. The group variable of survey mode explained close to zero variance in factors of the CES-D Scale. To examine whether Internet questionnaire survey can be used to substitute for paper survey in order to reduce research and administration cost, we encourage more comparisons between the two survey modes.