National Taiwan Normal University
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39S publication date:Feb, 2008
The Construction of Inventory for Culinary Creativity Process
    Author:洪久賢 Jeou-Shyan Horng, 胡夢蕾 Meng-Lei Hu
Research Article

    The purpose of this research was to develop an inventory for measuring culinary creativity development. This inventory is based on the theory of culinary creativity and the concept that “development” is a continuing process. The inventory includes 7 major aspects: preparation, incubation and transformation, realization, discovering new ideas, discussion and compromise, illumination, and idea evaluation. There are 40 criteria included in the inventory using a 6-point Likert scale. One thousand participants were invited to participate in the research, and 669 valid responses were returned. Frequency distribution, descriptive statistics, item analysis, Cronbach α, exploratory factor analysis, confirmatory factor analysis, Pearson’s correlation analysis, and ANOVA are techniques employed to analyze the data collected. Internal consistency ranged from .77 to .91, and construct validity is tested using factor analysis. Results supported the reliability and validity of the inventory. It was found that gender and educational background were related to the development of culinary creativity development. In addition, chefs and students demonstrate different developmental processes because they possess different culinary experience. Application of the inventory and future research directions are discussed.



關鍵詞: creativity, culinary arts, culinary creativity, inventory development, hospitality education

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