National Taiwan Normal University
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494 publication date:Jun, 2018
The effects of Textbook-based Approach to Reading Instruction on elementary graders’ reading comprehension and awareness of using reading strategy
    Author:Minglei Chen
Research Article

 The current study designed a multiple reading strategies program for elementary students and examined its effect on the reading comprehension, the awareness of using reading strategie, and attitude. A 2 (treatment: experimental group and control group)x3(grades: 3rd: 4th: 5th) quasi-experimental pretest-posttest design was adopted. 439 participants were recruited from 16 classes. The results indicated that (a) 4th and 5th experimental graders’ reading comprehension score higher than control group, but there was no difference for 3rd graders; (b) for the awareness of using reading strategies, 5th experimental graders’ scores higher than control group on the summary, context, comprehension monitoring, and self-questioning, and no group effects were found for other posttest contrasts; (c) for the attitude, 3rd experimental graders’ scores higher than control group on the reading confidence, learning method, and no group effects were found for other posttest contrasts.


關鍵詞: Reading comprehension, Reading strategy, Text-based approach to reading instruction

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