National Taiwan Normal University
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494 publication date:Jun, 2018
Frequency and function of pointing during mothers and 14-month-old children shared book reading
    Author:Ching-Yun Lee, Chien-Ju Chang
Research Article

 This study examines use of pointing during mother-child shared book reading in order to uncover the frequency and function of pointing to pictures and to text in mothers and 14- month-old children. Forty five mother-child dyads were videotaped in their homes when children were 14 months old. Results indicate that: 1. mothers and children pointed to pictures more frequently than text; 2. emphasizing or conveying the same messages, increasing complete and clear messages and directing 14-month-old children attention were the three main functions of maternal pointing; 3. the 14-month-old children pointed a lot but the function of their pointing was not clear; 4. positive correlations were found between frequency of pointing used by mothers and those used by children. Findings are discussed and suggestions for future studies were also provided.


Keywords: Child, Joint book reading, Mothers, Pointing

Children’s Problems With Inference Making: Causes and Consequences*

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