National Taiwan Normal University
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451 publication date:Sep, 2013
The Reliability and Validity of the The Chinese Version of the Nonattachment Scale: Reliability, validity, and Its Relationship with Mental Health
    Author:Shu-He Chao, Ping-Hwa Chen
Research Article

 Recently, a scale was developed to measure the Buddhist notion of “nonattachment,” which means “release from mental fixations” (Sahdra, Shaver, & Brown, 2010, p.116). We investigated the validity and reliability of the Chinese version of the Nonattachment Scale and explored its relationship with a variety of psychological constructs in Taiwan. We administered to a total of 313 military soldiers a package of scales. The results showed that the Chinese version of the Nonattachment Scale reached acceptable levels of reliability and validity. Confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) showed that nonattachment was related but distinguishable from the Chinese construct of zhong-yong thinking style.  Nonattachment was positively correlated with the majority of the positive constructs, including subjective well-being and self-determination, and was negatively correlated with negative constructs, including state-trait anxiety and perceived stress evaluation. The implications of how nonattachment and its measurement may contribute to counseling practice were discussed.


關鍵詞: anxiety, nonattachment, perceived stress evaluation, subjective well-being, zhong-yong thinking style

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