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44S publication date:Feb, 2013
A Study on the Test of Validity and Reliability of WHOQOL-BREF When It Was Applied to Adults with Severe Visual Impairments.
    Author:Chien-Huey Sophie Chang, Yung-Fu Cheng, Hui-Chen Chin, Hsing-Ning Lee
Research Article

This study aimed to test the validity and reliability of WHOQOL-BREF when it was applied to adults with severe visual impairments. Telephone interviews were used for data collection. The test of the validity and reliability was done by administering the above questionnaire on 491 adults with severe visual impairments using telephone interviews. The subjects were selected using stratified random sampling method. A total of 491 participants finished the questionnaire. The outcome of item analysis indicated that the WHOQOL-BREF is a suitable questionnaire to evaluate the quality of life in adults with severe visual impairments. In terms of the reliability test, the Cronbach’s α value is 0.68 ~ 0.80. The test for split-half reliability is 0.57 ~ 0.80. As far as the validity is concerned, the value of content validity showed that the test items are related to their belonged aspects; the construct validity is conducted by factor analysis and the CFI (Comparative Fitness Index) is 0.916. the results indicated there were differences in gender, age and education level. These results agreed with the outcome of WHOQOL-BREF conducted to adults without disabilities. In conclusion, the tests for reliability and validity indicated positive results of this questionnaire when it was administered to random-sampled adults with severe visual impairments. These results indicated that WHOQOL-BREF is an acceptable instrument for assessing quality of life in Taiwanese adults with severe visual impairments.



關鍵詞: adults with severe visual impairments,.whoqol-bref, reliability and validity,

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