National Taiwan Normal University
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504 publication date:June, 2019
A Study of the Internal Structure of the Chinese Session EvaluationQuestionnaire (C-SEQ): Client-Level Analyses
    Author:Ching-Fu Chen and Kai-Ting Chen
Research Article

The Session Evaluation Questionnaire (SEQ), which is a self-rating instrument, has been widely applied in measuring the impact of counseling sessions. The SEQ may be conceived as a bridge between the counseling process and outcome. The SEQ Form 5 (the latest version of the SEQ; Stiles, Gordon, & Lani, 2002) includes 21 bipolar adjective scales in a 7-point semantic differential format. Objective: The purpose of the present study was to explore clients’ responses to the Chinese SEQ (C-SEQ), which was translated by Chen and Lin (2016). The clients’ responses to the C-SEQ were elicited and then analyzed to understand the internal structure of the C-SEQ. Methods: A total of 200 clients from 21 Taiwanese universities were recruited using heterogeneous convenience sampling by the researchers between April 2017 and July 2017. After each client attended his or her latest individual counseling session, he or she was asked to complete one copy of the C-SEQ. Thus, our collected data were drawn from the questionnaires. Results: Exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted. The influences of counseling sessions, including the dimensions of session evaluation and postsession mood evaluation, were measured. The results of this study corroborated the premise that four factors are elicited from the C-SEQ, namely Depth, Smoothness, Positivity, and Arousal. Thus, the C-SEQ assesses two dimensions of session evaluation, Depth and Smoothness, as well as two dimensions of postsession mood, Positivity and Arousal. Conclusion: The internal structure of the C-SEQ encompasses four factors: Depth, Smoothness, Positivity, and Arousal. Intercorrelation coefficients between Depth, Smoothness, and Positivity were between low and medium (.27- .67, p < .01). The C-SEQ is now available as an instrument for giving feedback regarding counseling practice and counseling process research in Taiwan. Additionally, based on the findings and limitations in this research, suggestions for counseling practice and future research are offered by the researchers.


關鍵詞: Chinese Session Evaluation Questionnaire (C-SEQ), Internal structure, Session Evaluation Questionnaire Form 5 (SEQ-5), Session Effect

Adolescent Clients’ Perception of the Counseling Relationship: An Initial Qualitative Analysis from the Client Perspective

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