National Taiwan Normal University
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373 publication date:Mar, 2006
A Study of the Perceptions of Change on Satir Model Communication Program with University Student Couples
Research Article

 This research examines the personal perceptions of change of University student couples who participated in a Satir Model communication program. This study involved five university student couples as subjects of study. A fifteen hour workshop of communication based on Satir Model was conducted. After the workshop the researcher interviewed the participants individually within a week to collect data about their perceptions of change as caused by the workshop. The Consensus Quality Research (CQR) method of Hill et al. (2005), a qualitative data analysis method, was adopted. Perceptions of change and sources of changes are categorized using the methods and procedures of CQR. The results are as follows: (1)The majority of participants perceived: the shaking of old rules and the increase of new coping approaches, the impropriety of past coping modes, and the enhancement of positive self concepts; (2) Some participants perceived that their mates became more active in expressing themselves; (3) Some participants perceived decreased conflicts in relationships, more direct communication between mates, and an increased sense of security; (4) The majority of participants perceived that their own changes lead to the changes in observational learning in groups, the leadership of the group leader, the group exercises, and the reciprocal changes from the mate; (5) Some participants noted that their mate’s changes caused changes in group exercise experiences; (6) Some participants regarded the changes in mate relationships as stemming from their own changes. Finally, the researcher discusses the results and makes some suggestions with regards to the counseling practice and further studies.


關鍵詞: CQR, Satir Model, perceptions of change, university students couples

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