National Taiwan Normal University
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424 publication date:Jun, 2011
The Effects of Revised Enright Process Model of Forgiveness Educational Intervention on Forgiveness, Emotional Intelligence, and Well-being among Elementary Students
    Author:Wei-Fen Lin
Research Article

 This study examined the effectiveness of the “Revised Enright process model of forgiveness” group intervention on forgiveness attitude, emotional intelligence, and well-being among 6th graders in elementary school. Quasi-experimental design was used . Forty-four children from two classes were randomly selected from one elementary school. Twenty-two students were assigned to the experimental group and the alternative treatment group, respectively. The experimental group participated in 24 sessions (twice a week) of group intervention using the “Revised Enright process model of forgiveness” while the alternative treatment group received general intervention. All participants were administrated the Enright forgiveness inventory, a children emotional intelligence scale, and a children well-being inventory at pretest, posttest and follow-up. One-way ANCOVA was conducted using pretest scores as covariates. Feedback returned from group members was also analyzed. Results showed that compared to the alternative treatment group, the experimental group scored significantly higher in forgiveness, emotional intelligence, and well-being at pretest, posttest and follow-up. Participant feedback also indicated that the group intervention had significant positive impact on the interpersonal relationships among children in the experimental group. 


關鍵詞: emotional intelligence, forgiveness, intervention, well-being

The Effect of Model Misspecification on Computerized Testing

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