National Taiwan Normal University
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【Research Article】

 Actual and Perceived Attitudes of Adolescents and Adults Toward Contemporary Issues: A Study of the "Generation Gap" in Chinese Society
     Author:張春興 Chung-Hsing Chang
Research Article

 Social Schemata of Chinese School Children
     Author:黃堅厚 Chien-Hou Hwang, 藍敏慧 Min-Hui Lan
Research Article

 Effects of Transfer, Reinforcement and Instructional Strategy on Addition Performance of Retarded and Non-Retarded Children
     Author:陳榮華 Yung-Hwa Chen
Research Article

 A Developmental Study on the Manifest Anxiety of Children and Adolescents and Its Related Factors
     Author:蘇建文 Chien-Wen Su
Research Article

 A Survey on the Opinions about Corporal Punishment by Teachers, Students and Parents
     Author:陳榮華 Yung-Hwa Chen, 盧欽銘 Ching-Ming Lu, 洪有義 Yu-Yih Hung, 陳李綢 Li-Cou Chen
Research Article

 A Study on the Self Concept Development of Chinese School Pupils
     Author:盧欽銘 Ching-Ming Lu
Research Article

 Intellectual Development of Chinese Children and Adolescents
     Author:簡茂發 Maw-Fa Chien
Research Article

 A Developmental Study on the Manifest Anxiety of Children and Adolescents and Its Related Factors
     Author:蘇建文 Chien-Wen Su
Research Article

 A Study of Sociometric Status of Chinese School Children
     Author:陳淑美 Shoo-May Chen
Research Article

 The Effects of Teachers´ Expectation on Students´ Grades of Mathematics and Deportment
     Author:范德鑫 Der-Hsin Fan
Research Article

 Relationships of Teacher Expectations to Teachers´ Behavior and Students´ Learning Behavior
     Author:郭生玉 Sheng-Yu Kuo
Research Article

 Affiliation Tendency and Sociometric Status
     Author:張文哲 Wen-Jer Chang
Research Article

 Relationship of Teachers´ Preference to Pupils´ Social Status, Achievement Motivation and Internal-External
     Author:陳李綢 Li-Cou Chen
Research Article

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