National Taiwan Normal University
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353 publication date:Mar, 2004
The Emotion Regulation of College Students: Processes and Developmental Characteristics
    Author:江文慈 Wen-tzu Chiang
Research Article

 This study was to understand the processes and developmental characteristics of  emotion regulation in college students. The study mainly involved in qualitative analysis of emotion regulatory processes. There were 32 college students participate in this study, they were given the Emotion Regulation Interview (ERI). The ERI involved asking the situation in which the subject feels joy, anger, sadness, disgust and fear; how to manage one´s subjective experience of each emotion, especially its intensity and duration; and how to manage strategically one´s expression of emotion in communicative contexts. The results showed emotion regulation apparently involve multiple complex processes rather than a single serial process; different emotions evoke different kinds of regulatory responses; college students used a variety of cognitive and behavioral strategies to regulate their emotions, including seeking social support, doing pleasurable activities, and changing cognition. Finally, some developmental characteristics of emotion regulation in college students were described.



關鍵詞: college students, emotion development, emotion regulation

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