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402 publication date:Dec, 2008
Marital Satisfaction and Parent-Child Triangulation
    Author:鄭淑君 Shu-Chun Cheng, 郭麗安  Li-An Kuo
Research Article

 Based on the theoretical concept of triangulation proposed by Bowen, this study examined the relation betwee marital satisfaction and parent-child triangulation in parents’ marital conflict. Participants included 230 families with only one child. The results revealed that: (1) Marital satisfaction was negatively associated with parent-child triangulation. Among the three dimensions of triangles, the cross-generational coalition was negatively associated with marital satisfaction. (2) Children with divorced parents reported more cross-generational coalition than those with married parents, whereas children with married parents involved more parentification than children from divorced families. (3) There was no significant gender difference in parent-child triangulation.



Keywords: cross-generational coalition, marital satisfaction, parentification, scapegoat, triangulation

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