National Taiwan Normal University
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26 publication date:Jul, 1993
A Report on the Construction of Interest Inventory for High School Students
    Author:吳鐵雄 Tieh-Hsiung Wu, 陳淑美 Shoo-May Chen, 張景媛 Ching-Yuan Chang
Research Article

The interest inventory for high school students was designed for career guidance purpose. The inventory consists of twelve subscales: literature, medicine, commerce, agriculture, mathematics & science, social service, industrial engineering, education, computer science & electricity, art, and law. Each subscale has 15 items, and the whole inventory has 180 items. The administration of this inventory requires about 45 minutes. The test-retest reliability coefficients at a 2-week interval for males students ranged from .66 to .83, and for female students .75 to .92. The Cronbach´s α for male students ranged from .84 to .91, and for female students .76 to .90. Differential validity and criterion-related validity were demonstrated satisfactory. The subjects drawn from 20 junior high schools and 20 senior high schools were served as the standardization sample to establish the percentile norms.


Keywords: interest test; high school students

A Report on the Construction of Psychological Needs Inventory for College Students

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