The present study was designed to investigate the relationship between teacher stress and teacher burnout. The subjects sampled were 88 elementary school teachers and 119 junior high school teachers. They were administered a Tachere Burnout Inventory and a Teacher Stress Questionnaire. The data was analyzed by person product-moment correlation, thestepwise multiple regression, and canonical correlation analysis.The mainfindings were as fellows:
1. Six teacher stresses could be combined as powerful predictors for teacher burnout of elementary school and junior high school teachers.
2. In the case of elementary school teachers, stress of professional development could predict effectively two burnout factors: emotional exhaustion and depersonalization. The stress of student learning and professional development were the most powerful predictors for personal accomplishment.
3. In the case of junior hign school teachers, stress of role strain and work overload were found to be the most powerful predictors for emotional exhaustion, but the best predictor for depersonalization was role strain. The stress of student discipline problems and role strain could predict effectively personal accomplishment.
4. Three burnout factors, emotional exhaustion, personal accomplishment, and depersonalization, were influenced by six sources of teacher stress through one canonical factor for both teachers in elementary school and junior high school.