National Taiwan Normal University
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18 publication date:Jun, 1985
The Effects of Increasing Teacher-Parent Contacts on Children´s Learning and Home Climates
    Author:吳武典 Wu-Tien Wu, 林繼盛 CHi-Sheng Lin
Research Article

 In a two-semester experimental study of the effects of increasing teacher-parent contactts on pupils´ learning and home climates, 84 pupils of grade 6 in Hualien, Taiwan were randomly distributed by sex into 2 classes, one as the experimental group (EG), one as the control group (CG). In EG, teacher-parent interactions such as home visits, telephone conversations, parent-teacher meetings, parent-teacher written dialogues, and delivery of parent-education materials were increased about two times of the CG. For the Ss of low parent contacts with school, the frequency of teacher initiated contacts were even more. Ss completed a battey of tests, including the Pupil Academic Achievement Test the Achievment Motivation Questionnaire, the Learning Attitude Inventory, the Attitude Toward School Scale, the Pupil Personality Inventory, and the self-devised Home Climates Inventory (HCI), before and after the experiment. The HCI has two parts: (1) Parenting Style, including four subscales, i. e., Authoritarian, Laissez-faire, Disharmony, and Democracy; (2) Home Social climates, including five subscales, i. e., Parent´s Level of Aspiration, Parent´s Attitude Toward Education, Learning Environment at Home, Verbal Interaction at Home, and Family Members´ Relationship. Using Finn´s (1977) Multivariance computer program, a 2 (groups) x 2(sexes) analysis of covariance with intelligence and pretested academic achievement as covariates, difference scores between post-and pre-tests as dependent variables showed that increasing teacher-parent contacts worked effectively to improve both pupils´ learning and home climates; All of 14 dependent variables were in favor of EG for both sexes, while 8 of them were significant. This means that increasing contacts with familes by teachers resulted in improving pupils´ academic achievement, achievement motivation, attitude toward school, parent´s attitude toward education, learning environment at home, verbal interaction at home, and parenting style, in which the Democracy style increased, while the Disharmony behavior reduced.


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