National Taiwan Normal University
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15 publication date:Jun, 1982
Class-Tutor Affect in Relation to Student Achievement
    Author:范德鑫 Der-Shin Fan
Research Article

 The primary purpose of this study was to examine the relationships of classtutor warmth and refusal with student´s achievement in Chinese and Mathematics. The subjects were seventh grade students drawn from eight classes of which the class-tutor taught either Chinese or Mathemtics. In 4 of the these classes, had in general superior scholastic achievement (SA) while in the other 4 classes, students had comparatively lower achievement (LA). The AGCT and the Teacher Affect Questionnaires were administered to the subjects. The main findings were as follows: 1. The class-tutor warmth, as perceived by students, had positive relationships with students´ achievement in six of the eight classes. But an inverse relationship was found with boys´ Mathematics in SA group and boys´ Chinese in LA goup, After the intelligence factor was controlled, the basic pattern as shown by the simple correlations was still apparent. 2. As to the negative class-tutor affect (refusal), inverse relationships were found in all eight classes with students´ achievement. After the intelligence factor was controlled, the basic pattern was still the same except the girls´ in LA group.



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