National Taiwan Normal University
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12 publication date:Jun, 1979
Impact of Teachers´ Expectation on Teacher-Student Interaction and Students´ Personal Qualities
    Author:許錫珍 Shi-Chen Shu
Research Article

 The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationships between teachers´ expectation toward teacher-student interaction and the personal qualities of elementary students. The subjects are 80 students and 4 teachers selected from an elementary school. The student subjects belong to 4 classes and the teacher subjects are the tutors of these classes. Systematic observation, relevant tests and questionnaires were administered to explore the impact of teachers´ expectation on teacher-student interaction and students´ personal qualities. The data obtained were statistically treated by χ^2 test, multivariate analysis of variance and multiple regression analysis technique. The main findings of the study were as fellows: 1. In the classroom, the high-expected students expressed more interaction with teacher than the low-expected. Teachers were trend to accept the high-expected students´ feeling and use their ideas, but they expressed more criticisms to the low-expected. 2. The high-expected students showed higher mean scores in academic achievement, achievement motivations, peer status, and personal adjustment. 3. All personal qualities together significantly accounted for 69.89% of the variance in the teachers´ expectation. It can be concluded that teachers´ expectation is significantly related to students´ behavior in school.



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