The Purposes of this study were aimed to understand what actually were the attitudes held by adolescents and their parents regarding to four family concepts ouch as "my family", "my father", "my mother" and "my child" and to explore the existing relationship between the similarity of attitudes between adolescents and their parents and their adjustment. 194 sophomores from four different junior high schools in Taipei and their parents were selected as subjects. Semantic differential technique was used to measure the attitudes of adolescents and their parents. California test of personality was given to subjects to measure their personal and social adjustment. According to their responses, the following results were found. 1. There were high digree of similarity of attitudes between adolescents and their parents regarding to "my family", "my father" and "my mother". However, there wan signify-cant diference of attitude between adolescents and their parents on "my child". Parents´ ratings about their children were generally better than the self ratings of adolescents. 2. The degree of similarity of attituees between adolescents and their parents regarding to the four family concepts had nothing to do with the adjustment of adolescents. 3. The degree of similarity between adolescents and their parents´ self-rating was significatly related to the personal and social adjustment of adolescents.