National Taiwan Normal University
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431 publication date:Sep, 2011
The Differentiated Effects of Process-Oriented Design and Learning Strategy Instruction in Dynamic Assessment for First Graders’ Learning on Word Problem Solving
    Author:許家驊 Chia-Hua Hs
Research Article

 ANOVA with a 2×3 factorial experimental design was used to examine effects of the independent variables of xxx and xxx on the dependent variables of xxx and xxx. A contingent control group was added to clarify the effects of treatment vs. no-treatment. No interaction effect was reported. However, the main effects of the variables of xxx and xxx were found on xxx as well as the simple gain scores, deferred gain scores and transfer performances except for the scores of self-regulated learning (SRL) in process-oriented design (POD). The effects of POD are better than counterpart both on solving and transfer scores , the effects of cognitive integrated metacognitive with attribution strategy instruction are better than others both on solving and SRL scores, but there are no differences on the scores of cognitive integrated attribution and cognitive strategy instruction. Finally, the effects of all treatment groups are better than control group.



關鍵詞: dynamic assessment (DA) of mathematical problem solving (MPS), learning potential, learning strategy, self-regulation in MPS, zone of proximal development (ZPD)

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