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453 publication date:Mar, 2014
The feasibility of an obstetric psychological support project at a medical center
    Author:Pey-Ling Shieh, Tsung-Ho Ying, Hsiao-Chun Chang, Ying-Chen Tseng
Research Article

 Perinatal mental health of women is an important issue that deserves attention. However, few psychological support projects have been adopted in obstetric units and few psychology professionals have been involved in such projects. The purpose of this study was to preliminarily explore the feasibility of an obstetric psychological support project led by psychology professionals. Based on a qualitative paradigm, a ten-week psychological support project was implemented at a medical center in Central Taiwan. Based on the principles of Listening Visit and parent-infant psychotherapy, strategies of nondirective counseling, observation, and interpretation were used in this project. Five psychology professionals (one professor, four undergraduates) and sixty-eight women participated in this project. Content analysis was conducted to analyze the psychology professionals’ process records. In the person, time, and space aspects, several factors that influenced the implementation of the project emerged. Those factors included: women’s physical wellbeing, the gender of interviewers, the pace during hospital stay, and the room environment. According to reactions of the participants, obstetric women showed different degrees of acceptance and involvement. For women, the most frequently raised psychosocial issues were postpartum living style, the way of “doing-the-month.” emotions, child-rearing problems, and relationships with partner and mother-in-law. Chaotic states of life and child-rearing challenges were psychosocial issues that husbands were concerned with. As for the obstetric women’s family of origin, they were most concerned about whether their daughters were appropriately taken cared of. For the mothers-in-law, they have mixed feelings about the ways for which “doing-the-month” were carried out. Based on the results, we suggest an early implementation of educational programs of the psychological support project for pregnant women and their families. We also address the importance of the structured, family-based counseling approach, further training for psychology professionals, and their collaboration with medical staffs. The development of measures to assess perinatal mental health and the outcome of psychological support project are needed.


關鍵詞: family-based, perinatal mental health, psychology professionals, psychology support project, qualitative paradigm

Prediction of Romantic Attachment from Family Differentiation and Family Violence

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