National Taiwan Normal University
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542 publication date:DEC, 2022
Emic Interest-Based Classification and Interest Model of College Majors in Taiwan
    Author:Chi-Ping Deng
Research Article

Indigenous interest-based classifications and interest models of college majors are essential for both the career exploration of students and higher education policymaking. In Taiwan, Holland’s Codes are frequently used to determine college majors based on interest. However, Holland’s Codes were developed in the United States and only later adopted in Taiwan. Therefore, this study developed an emic interest-based classification and an interest model of college majors by analyzing the preference ratings of 1,306 high school students for 166 college majors in Taiwan. A complete-linkage cluster analysis was used to construct a three-level hierarchical classification with 166 college majors, 26 major groups, and 7 major fields. Multidimensional scaling of the 26 major groups was used to create a spatial interest model consisting of three dimensions: content (object–mentality), characteristics (dynamics–structure), and function (communication–discovery). Convergence and divergence were observed between the results of the Holland Codes and the two commonly used content-based classifications of Taiwanese college majors.


關鍵詞: college majors, emic, interest model, interest-based classification

College students’ Epistemic Cognition, Epistemic Emotion, and Student Engagement: A Mediation Analysis

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