National Taiwan Normal University
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22 publication date:May, 1989
The Career Development of Chinese College Stucents in Taiwan
    Author:金樹人 Shuh-Ren Jin, 田秀蘭 Hsiu-Lan Tien, 林清山 Chen-Shan Lin
Research Article

 The purpose of this study was to realize the college students´ career development and their career concept.Two thousand and eight hundred eighty students were sampled in this study. Instrument used in this study was "Questionnaire of Career Development". Data obtained in this study were analyzed by Kai-square and F-test. The main findings were as follows: (1) Most students´ career development were belong to indecision category. (2) Most of the students´ career concept were rational. (3) Aside from the psychological test, individual counseling, and group counseling services, most students were most likely to seek for Placement Center to help them develop their career. 

Based on these findings, some implications were discussed and sugge-stions were also proposed.


An Experimental Study of the Effects of Mastery Learning Combined with the Diagnosis of Microcomputerized S-P Chart Analysis on Students´ Learning

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