An experiment was undertaken to test the assumption that "the left hemisphere is superior to the right hemisphere for analytical or serial verbal processing, while the right hemisphere is superior to the left hemisphere for holistic or parallel visuospatial processing." Two kinds of visual information, namely "Two-words Chinese Characters" and "Lady´s Facial Sketch" drawn by computer based robot, were tachistoscopically presented to 41 college girl students, through visual half-field presentation. Each trial, a "stimulus item" was exposed first to the subject in the center of the field for 1 sec., and then a "response item" was exposed for 160 msec., either to the RVF or to the LVF, with visual angle of 2~6°from the fixation point. The S´s task was to compare the stimulus item and the response item and to judge through botton-pressing whether the pronounciations of these Two-words Chinese Characters, or the drawing of these Lady´s Facial Sketch, were the same or different. Reaction time was used as response measures. Data thus obtained were analyzed by within-Ss factorial ANOVA. Results were as follows: (1) The interaction effect between "Kinds of Infromation" and " Visual-Field of Presentation" was highly significant. Therefore, test of simple main effects were computed. (2) The mean RT was significantly shorter when Two-words Chinese Characters were presented in RVT-LH than when they were presented in LVF-RH. (3) The mean RT was not significantly shorter when Lady´s Facial Sketch were presented in LVF-RH than when they were presented in RVF-LH. Thus, the assumption that the left hemisphere is superior to the right hemisphere for analytical or serial verbal processing was supported. However, the assumption that the right hemisphere is superior to the left hemisphere for holistic or parallel visuospatial processing was not supported in this study.
In this paper, results of two elated studies were also reported. MDS technique was employed to identify the dimensions of the configuration of the 16 Lady´s Facial Sketch used in the abovementioned experiment. Three dimensions were identified, of which "Length of Hair Style" was the most important one. In another correlation study, the correlation coefficients among four measures obtained from experiment on laterality differences, and three measures obtained from intelligence tests, hypothetically measuring crystallized ability, fluid ability, and spatial-visualization ability, were computed. No significant correlation was found among them. The implication of these findings was also discussed.