National Taiwan Normal University
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13 publication date:Jun, 1980
Social Schemata of Chinese School Children
    Author:黃堅厚 Chien-Hou Hwang, 藍敏慧 Min-Hui Lan
Research Article

 253 Chinese school children of three age groups (3rd,6th and 9th graders) were asked to make free placement of felt figures to investigate the phenomenon of social schema which was found by Kuethe and others among subjects of Western societies. Nine sets of figures were used. The voluntary verbal responses of individual subjects during the testing session were recorded for analysis along with the arrangement of the figures and the distance between them. Some basic social schemata were found. There seemed to be some indication of developmental progression showing increasing awareness of how people related to one another with the increase of age. However, generally there was no sign of sex difference. The concept that the figure arrangement might reveal the psychological distance of subjects with others around them was questioned. The significance of idiosyncratic responses was discussed.



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