National Taiwan Normal University
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13 publication date:Jun, 1980
The Effects of Teachers´ Expectation on Students´ Grades of Mathematics and Deportment
    Author:范德鑫 Der-Hsin Fan
Research Article

 The purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of teachers´ expectation on their students´ grades of mathematics and deportment. The subjects were four class of 205 students of first and second grader in a junior high school and four teachers who taught the classes. All students were rated by the teachers in terms of their expectation on students´ mathematics and deportment. The achievement motivation test, the self-expectation rating scale, and the intelligent test were administered to the students. The main findings of the study were as follows: 1. If the intelligence factor was controlled, high-teacher expectation group got significantly higher score than the low-expectation group in mathematics grades. 2. Teacher expectation on students´ mathematics grade were significantly correlated with the students´ depostment grades. 3. Teacher expectation and student self-expectation in mathmatics grades and depostment grades were significantly correlated.



Relationships of Teacher Expectations to Teachers´ Behavior and Students´ Learning Behavior

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